Steven Heine is one of the leading figures in the field of cultural psychology. In addition to presenting the importance of culture to the study of behavior, Cultural Psychology, Second Edition, has a strong emphasis on research methodology, which comes out of in-depth discussions of select topics and studies in each chapter-encouraging students to understand common behaviors in different cultu…
Most organizations approach innovation as if it were a sideline activity. Every so often employees are sent to �Brainstorm Island�: an off-site replete with trendy lectures, creative workshops, and overenthusiastic facilitators. But once they return, it�s back to business as usual. Innovation experts Paddy Miller and Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg suggest a better approach. They recommend that le…
From Workplace to Playspace is about visionary, courageous, innovative, and persistent organizations that challenge long-held preconceptions about the incompatibility of workplace and playspace. Each day organizations across industries and with wide-ranging missions are discovering that playspace is the space they can and must create every day at work if they are to think creatively, question o…
Today's economy is fueled by knowledge. Every leader knows this to be true, yet few have systematic methods for converting organizational knowledge into economic value. This book argues that communities of practice--groups of individuals formed around common interests and expertise--provide the ideal vehicle for driving knowledge-management strategies and building lasting competitive advantage.…
Lead Like Reagan is a guide to more effective leadership, inspired by the Great Communicator himself. Drawing upon his time serving Ronald Reagan, author Dan Quiggle relates lessons learned first-hand from his front row seat to history. Using Reagan and other prominent business leaders as examples, Quiggle illustrates what leadership looks like at the highest levels, why such leadership is effe…
Contrary to most conventional management wisdom, The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning looks beyond employee skills and background and to identify the true game-changing character traits for creating a winning culture. Based on the author's methodology for what abilities drive decisions and actions within his own company, The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning details how respect, belief, loyalty, commitm…
Your boss plays an important role in your career. So how do you navigate this delicate, significant professional relationship without playing political games or compromising your character? Managing Up offers concise, expert tips on: (1) Understanding your manager's priorities and pressures, (2) Setting a positive tone for the relationship, (3) Managing expectations--and egos, and (4) Earning t…
When change requires you to challenge people's familiar reality, it can be difficult, dangerous work. Whatever the context--whether in the private or the public sector--many will feel threatened as you push though major changes. But as a leader, you need to find a way to make it work. Ron Heifetz first defined this problem with his distinctive theory of adaptive leadership in Leadership Without…
If you read nothing else on leadership, read these 10 articles(featuring "What Makes an Effective Executive,� by Peter F. Drucker). We've combed through hundreds ofHarvard Business Review articles on leadership and selected the most important ones to help you maximize your own and your organization's performance. HBR's 10 Must Reads On Leadership will inspire you to: - Motivate others to …
This new text, written by a respected author team, makes a contemporary approach to campaigns and elections accessible and engaging. Based on the authors own courses, Campaigns & Elections uses a clear, consistent framework to help students understand the strategies and choices involved in American campaigns and elections. With coverage of elections at the presidential, congressional, state, an…
As a result of constant innovation, learning is no longer limited by traditional confines and we're moving beyond students tied to their chairs, desks, and textbooks-and teachers locked away in classrooms. In Education Nation author Milton Chen draws from extensive experience in media-from his work on Sesame Street in its nascent years to his role as executive director of the George Lucas Educa…