Sejak awal, hadirnya UU No. 32/2004 sudah terlihat betapa pihak yang paling diuntungkan adalah elit lokal dan nasional. Semangat UU ini lebih banyak dalam bidang distribusi kekuasaan dan pembagian keputusan ketimbang memberikan otonomi kearah kemandirian daerah. Ini tetap saja intinya menyangkut pemerintahan, serta bukan otonomi dalam artian yang lebih luas. Hany saja, apa yang disebut pemerint…
Kerangka penguatan Partai Politik di Indonesia ini memiliki nilai penting dalam pendalaman demokrasi kita, dengan memperhatikan aspek pelembagaan politik yaitu partai politik. Buku ini ingin memberi arah dan panduan kepada partai-partai politik di Indonesia, baik partai lama maupun baru, dalam rangka menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya secara profesional. Paling tidak, buku ini menawarkan empat aspek …
The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practicepresents an unrivaled collection of essays that explain the strengths-based philosophy, demonstrate how it works, and provide clear and practical tools for its application. This fourth edition includes six new chapters, including subjects such as: how to shift one's frame of mind to practice from a strengths perspective; using slave narratives of…
Though the number of women elected to the U.S. state legislatures has increased substantially in the last forty years, researchers still struggle to connect the presence of women in the legislature to public policy outcomes that affect women. One reason for this struggle is that we lack a complete understanding of how political parties modify the relationship between women legislators' interest…
It’s been over twenty years since 1992 was hailed as the Year of the Woman, so-called because of an increase in the number of female senators elected to the US Congress. Progress with regards to women’s numerical political representation, whilst not having ground to a halt, has been slow. Although it’s no longer a case of Nine and Counting, currently there are just twenty women in the 100 stro…