Buku ini merupakan bagian dari pertanggungjawaban public sekaligus media diseminiasi informasi bahwa otonomi daerah adalah suatu keniscayaan di Indonesia. Secara formal, otonomi daerah memang seringkali diartikan sebagai penyerahan kewenangan pusat ke daerah, atau lazim disebut desentralisasi. Konsekuensi formal, tentu saja daerah memiliki hak prerogative untuk menjalankan administrasi …
Mengapa perdamaian menguat di beberapa tempat yang sebelumnya dicirikan oleh kekerasan berkepanjangan berskala panjang dan tidak di tempat-tempat lain? Seusai Perang Komunal berusaha member jawaban dengan membandingkan pengalaman-pengalaman pasca-konflik dua provinsi Indonesia Timur: Maluku dan Maluku Utara. Di Maluku episode kekerasan berskala besar sering pecah sejak berakhirnya perti…
Buku ini merupakan kompilasi tulisan dari 30 pemenang kompetisi bercerita ONPM Mandiri 2012/2013 yang berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Tiga puluh kisah dalam buku ini memuat berbagai inovasi yang dilakukan berbagai individu maupun kelompok masyarakat untuk memajukan daerahnya atau meningkatkan taraf hidup diri dan orang di sekitarnya. Melalui kisah inspiratif yang dituturkan s…
The 2009 election campaign for legislative bodies provides many lessons for Indonesian. The phenomena occured in this occasion are the gradation of the parties role and the rise of pragmatism. This paper discusses factors behind those phenomena, in which the existence of the new regulation, internal condition of political parties and the quality of the member of political parties are believed t…
The 2009 election has resulted a map of political change of the election winner. The winner of the 2004 election was Golkar party. while in the 2009 election, the winner was Democrat party. The 2009 election became a "punishment" for old parties, like Golkar, PDIP and PPP since their votes were decreasing sharply compare to previous election.
Iran's 2009 presidential election became a big challenge for President Mahmud Ahmadinejad to preserve his power for a second term. The challenge were not only come from reformist groups, but also from conservative groups of whch his political affiliation belong.
For at least the last five year of the reform efforts in Indonesia there has been a loud clamor concerning the serious dearth of leadership precisely at the time when it is most needed - a grim fact that has indeed affected the morale of the nation.Indonesia has become a leadership country.