Standarisasi akuntansi dan pelaporan pertanggungjawaban keuangan partai politik, akan memberikan informasi kepada publik bagaimana partai tersebut memperoleh dana, kecakapannya mengelola dana, dan tertib pembelanjaannya. Pencatatan keuangan yang transparan akan memberikan gambaran kepada publik tentang kualitas dan komitmen partai tersebut dalam upaya bersama dalam mencegah terjadinya taktik po…
Banyak hal yang tidak diketahui tentang indra penciuman, mulai dari kekuatannya untuk membangkitkan ingatan, mengubah suasana hati, dan kekuatannya untuk memengaruhi perilaku kita. Juga fakta menarik lainnya tentang penciuman yang dibahas dalam buku ini. Misalnya, hidung manusia hampir sama sensitifnya dengan hidung banyak hewan—termasuk anjing—dan kenyataan bahwa ahli parfum tidak memilik…
In today's flatter organizations, collaboration in employee networks has become critical to innovation and to both individual and companywide performance. Executives spend millions on new organizational designs, cultural initiatives, and technologies to promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise across functional, hierarchical, and divisional lines. Yet these efforts have achieved disappoin…
Embrace Open Engineering and accelerate the design and manufacturing processes Product development is a team sport, but most companies don't practice it that way. Organizations should be drawing on the creativity of engaged customers and outsiders, but instead they rely on the same small group of internal "experts" for new ideas. Designers and engineers should be connecting with marketing, s…
Widely acknowledged as the world's foremost authority on leadership, John Kotter has devoted his remarkable career to studying organizations and those who run them, and his bestselling books and essays have guided and inspired leaders at all levels. Here, in this collection of his acclaimed Harvard Business Review articles, is an astute assessment of the real work of leaders, as only John Kotte…
Most organizations approach innovation as if it were a sideline activity. Every so often employees are sent to “Brainstorm Island”: an off-site replete with trendy lectures, creative workshops, and overenthusiastic facilitators. But once they return, it’s back to business as usual. Innovation experts Paddy Miller and Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg suggest a better approach. They recommend t…