Bagaimana pendapat masyarakat tentang kualitas layanan yang mereka dapatkan? Apakah masyarakat kesulitan mendapatkan pelayanan yang mereka inginkan? Apakah masyarakat mendapatkan respon yang memadai dari penyelenggara pelayanan publik? apakah masyarakat mendukung terbentuknya komite peningkatan pelayanan publik? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tadi merupakan pertanyaan yang penting, tidak hanya bagi pen…
The book was written in the spirit to maximize the utilization of LPEM FEUI findings. It is indeed our position to see that what had been found in the research on Polri Financial Management can seen as a knowledge that is accessible by the broad community, who were not familiar to budgeting activities but they were always easily speak ill about the police.
In today's flatter organizations, collaboration in employee networks has become critical to innovation and to both individual and companywide performance. Executives spend millions on new organizational designs, cultural initiatives, and technologies to promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise across functional, hierarchical, and divisional lines. Yet these efforts have achieved disappoin…
Seri: Indeks Tata Kelola Kepolisian
In the presentation of self in everyday life, erving goffman writes, "the crucial sociological consideration... is merely that impressions fostered in everiday performances are subject to disruptions" (1959:66). Typically, studies of "impressionmanagement" focus in impresion emergent in interaction between people, but AIDS media campaign are also carefully crafted impresions.Campaign producers …