Black men are disproportionately exposed to adverse social and economic factors that may be linked to depression. Little is known about depression among Black fathers, although depression is a significant health problem and detrimental to the instrumental and affective support of their families. The authors use data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to estimate the prevalence,…
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of African American nonresident fathers who engaged in parental monitoring and to assess the relationship between engaging in monitoring and race-related socialization with their preadolescent sons on their psychological well-being. We also examined the moderating influences of demographic factors on the effects of a parent…
Objective: This exploratory qualitative study examined factors contributing to expressive father role negotiation, salience, and commitment in a sample of nonresidential African American fathers (n = 18). Method: Two focus groups were conducted between 2000 and 2001 in a Midwestern city to understand factors that strengthen and diminish bonds between nonresidential African American fathers and …
Objective: The objective of this study was to test the factor structure of the Nurturant Fathering Scale (NFS) among an African American sample in the mid-Atlantic region that have neither Caribbean heritage nor immigration experiences but who do have diverse family structures (N = 212). Method: A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted in order to evaluate the factor structure of the …
This study utilized data from the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) to investigate the use of professional services and informal support among African American and Caribbean black men with a lifetime mood, anxiety, or substance use disorder. Thirty-three percent used both professional services and informal support, 14% relied on professional services only, 24% used informal support only, …
This study utilized data from the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) to investigate the use of professional services and informal support among African American and Caribbean black men with a lifetime mood, anxiety, or substance use disorder. Thirty-three percent used both professional services and informal support, 14% relied on professional services only, 24% used informal support only, …
Objective: To examine the factors that influenced African American mens medical help seeking. Method: Thematic analysis of 14 focus groups with 105 older, urban African American men. Results: African American men described normative expectations that they did not go to the doctor and that they were afraid to go, with little explanation. When they did go, men reported that they were particularl…
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to review the current empirical research regarding the financial effects of participation in Individual Development Account (IDA) programs. Methods: Peer-reviewed outcome studies identified through electronic bibliographic databases and manual searches of article reference lists are reviewed. A total of 1 randomized controlled trial, 1 quasi-experimental…
Objective: Many professions use some form of internship in professional education. Social work has utilized field instruction throughout much of its history. Recently, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) designated field instruction as social works signature pedagogy. A systematic review was undertaken to examine evidence related to this designation. Method: Twenty-five primary databas…
Through three studies of interacting small groups, we aimed to better understand the meaning and consequences of process conflict. Study 1 was an exploratory analysis of qualitative data that helped us to identify the unique dimensions of process conflict to more clearly distinguish it from task and relationship conflict. Study 2 used a broader sampling of participants to (a) demonstrate why pr…
A session-level analysis examines the relationship between intimate behaviors of an individual group member and of the other group members in a session, and individual group member attendance in the following session. Specifically, the model proposed by Kenny, Mannetti, Pierro, Livi, and Kashy (2002) for analyzing individual and group effects in small groups is used to examine session attendanc…
Although it is often assumed that an individuals self-view as a leader has an impact on that individuals emergence as a leader, there is currently no empirical evidence of this effect in the literature. Longitudinal social network analysis is used to study both the impact of an individuals self-view as a leader on leadership emergence and how the process of leadership emergence influences an…
Researchers have recently devoted increasing attention to employee helping behavior at the work group level of analysis. Despite this surge in interest, possible moderators of the relationship between group helping norms and individual helping behavior have not been empirically examined. In a study of 147 employees and their supervisors working in 30 groups of a telecommunications company, we f…
Why are the unfree regimes of the former Soviet world proving so durable? A lack of ideology andperhaps surprisinglya degree of openness are proving to be not so much problems for authoritarianism as bulwarks of it.
The past decade began at a high point for freedom but ended with freedom in peril. Yet the setbacks of the last five years do not outweigh the democratic gains of the last forty.
Chinese authoritarianism has deftly adapted to the Internet Age, employing various forms of technological controls. Chinas brand of networked authoritarianism serves as a model for other regimes, such as those of Iran and Russia.
In China, the Internet is not merely contested space between citizen and government. It is also a catalyst for social and political transformation, offering the possibility of better governance with greater citizen participation.
Paradoxically, the rising profile of liberation technology may push Internet-control efforts into nontechnological areasimprisonment rather than censorship, for examplefor which there is no easy technical fix.
Dilma Rousseff won the 2010 presidential election as the handpicked successor of a towering political personality. Now she must assert firm sway over a ruling party and coalition to which she has remarkably slender ties, and face new challenges that her country cannot meet with more of the same.
Wracked by postelection violence in 2007 and 2008, Kenya embarked upon a course of constitutional change that culminated in an August 2010 referendum. How was the new basic law framed and passed, and what will it mean for democracy in this key East African country?