As an Assistant Professor in Community Economic and Social Development (CESD) at Algoma University College, Ontario, Canada and a member of Asopricor Holistic Association, Cundinamarca, Colombia, respectively, the authors have engaged in an ongoing dialogue regarding the inherent contradictions of forming a North—South, university—community research collaboration. For those who have e…
This article argues that the usefulness of action research hinges on a heightened sensitivity towards its relevance and irrelevance to social, economic and cultural environments in which the professional action researchers conduct their research. Its contribution to transforming social situations depends on how well the researchers can bring the different stakeholders of the local communi…
Although emancipatory action research has been practised for decades and continues to evolve, the method can benefit from the support of fresh approaches. Outcome mapping is an innovative planning, monitoring, and evaluation methodology recently conceived by Canada's International Development Research Centre in partnership with others. This article sets out the ways the two approaches complemen…
In this article we offer an account of research undertaken for the International Labour Organization (on behalf of the National Aids Council in Zambia) in relation to HIV/AIDS and the informal economy in Zambia. We concentrate on how we tried to operate in terms of a conscious recognition of (and acceptance of responsibility for) our complicity as inquirers (together with others) in the d…
Ethical issues have been of ongoing interest in discussions of community-based participatory action research (CBPAR). In this article we suggest that the notion of reciprocity — defined as an ongoing process of exchange with the aim of establishing and maintaining equality between parties — can provide a guide to the ethical practice of CBPAR. Through sharing our experiences with a CBPAR projec…
This article describes our experience teaching action research (AR) in a Mexican graduate program. It emphasizes the challenges associated with teaching this kind of research in Mexico and illustrates ways we address those challenges. It also illustrates that a high level of personal growth often accompanies AR training and that such growth, as well as learning the `mechanics' of AR, is signifi…
There is increasing interest in `moving upstream' in youth health promotion efforts to focus on building youth self-esteem, self-efficacy and civic engagement. Participatory Action Research (PAR) can be a powerful mechanism for galvanizing youth to become active agents of this change. Engaging youth in PAR and health promotion, however, is not always an easy task. This article describes a model…
In this article I explore how the notion of authenticity may be grounded in first person practice, rather than in the quality of research data. Drawing on the work of the philosopher-theologian Bernard Lonergan who follows a first person approach and who articulates a notion of authenticity, I explore how authenticity may be framed in terms of being attentive, intelligent, reasonable, and respo…
When women from mainland China are newly arrived in Hong Kong, their first difficulty is usually environmental stress. Their socio-economic situation often limits their ability to express their expectations related to their living space. In order to enable the women to voice their views and become participants in urban planning, our research group adopted interdisciplinary participatory action …
Numerous accounts of the difficulties encountered in research collaborations can be found in the extant literature. Most of these accounts, however, are from the perspective of academically based researchers. Comparatively little is known about how agency staff respond to these initiatives. To address this gap in knowledge, the article describes the challenges encountered during a research coll…
It is a common assumption that action research exists in a number of varieties. In efforts to explain these varieties, the point of departure is sometimes sought in differences in practical challenges, sometimes in differences in theoretical outlook. Taken separately, these perspectives can, however, both be too limited. Drawing upon an action research tradition that has been in existence for f…
The aim of this study is two-fold. One is evaluating the action research process and how the existential situations of the inquiry influence the process of intervention. The second is generating and analysing the thematic structure of the learners' reconstructions of their lived experiences. The study highlighted that through challenging, one can convince learners to legitimate their narrative …
Although politicians prefer to communicate directly with the public, political sound bites in the nightly news are shrinking and primetime presidential press conferences are becoming increasingly uncommon. Instead, people primarily receive the messages of politicians as interpreted by journalists. What are the consequences of this interpretation for how citizens evaluate political messages? Thi…
This research examines the relationship between courts and legislatures in a comparative perspective. Specifically, I examine how (a) the ideological composition of the bench, (b) the propensity of court involvement in a given policy area, and (c) the disposition of court decisions in a given policy area influence the ideology of bill introductions and policy enactments by state legislatures. B…
Previous research has found that the campaigns of candidates running for office provide information to voters and can increase turnout. Scholarly research has also found that states with initiatives and referendums appearing on the ballot have higher voter turnout, especially in midterm elections. However, actual initiative campaigns are rarely measured. Drawing on national survey data and stat…
To what extent do lower court judges follow Supreme Court plurality opinions? By examining treatments of Supreme Court cases from the 1976-1986 terms by the Circuit Courts of Appeals from 1976 to 2005, this article addresses the consequences of the Supreme Court's failure to reach a clear majority decision. I find evidence that lower courts are less likely to follow plurality opinions than majo…
Through its rulings, the U.S. Supreme Court makes clear what the Constitution means and how best to interpret congressional statutes. But, because Supreme Court rulings do not implement themselves, the Court is dependent on compliance by lower courts to effectuate its policies. Using the concept of jurisprudential regimes developed by Richards and Kritzer in 2002 and specifically the Establishm…
The issue of devotional activity in the public schools has long been a staple of the U.S. Supreme Court's agenda, but knowledge of the local implementation of school prayer policy remains limited to the Court's earliest decisions. To what extent are schools presently engaged in religious activities prohibited by the Court? This study addresses this question through a survey in which recent high…
In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, an unusually large percentage of Americans expressed high levels of confidence in the institutions charged with responding to the terrorist attacks. By the following summer, such confidence had declined significantly. This study draws on data from a panel study conducted in fall 2001 and summer 2002 to track Americans' emotional responses to terrorism and…
Television has replaced the newspaper as the major source of news for most people, and thus has the potential to inform the public and influence attitudes. A growing literature has demonstrated the immediate effects of television viewing, but the ability of a particular program to have lasting effects is less clear. In this article, we report on two field experiments that provide a test of the …