Modern secularity as a historically specific hegemonic social formation that prevailed in the U.S. in the mid-20th century depended on and was, in part, constituted by the exclusion of fundamentalists and their Bible-based moral rhetorics from public life. This essay argues that the movements for temperance, prohibition, and prohibition repeal were an important context in which the political an…
The culture war over the last several decades in North America appears to be a proxy between the conflict of the sacred and the secular. Yet, this perception ignores the complexity that actually exists. Advocates for competing sides have never denied a place for the other but affirmed the necessity of pluralism in American democracy. Rather, the conflict has been a contest over the language and…
This essay summarizes the themes and issues of the conference and raises further questions concerning how religion and the secular might be theorized and related.
What is the "secular"? Is it a state of official neutrality, or is it one in which religious influences are on the wane? This "polysemy" about "the secular" permeates our public and legal discussions and has unfortunate consequences for debates over our constitutional arrangements. In these comments, I will suggest that a different vocabulary—a vocabulary of religious freedom rather than secula…
"The religious" and "the secular" are often posed as a divide; a narrative which poses religion and secularism as antagonists. This long-standing habit of thought remains active in the contemporary United States, polarizing public debates and generating misunderstanding. Are there other ways of talking about and enacting the relations between "religion" and "secularism" that can avoid balkaniza…
This study builds on existing literature demonstrating the conditional effects of contextual and conversion factors on the relationship between money and votes in state legislative elections. A conditional theory of the impact of spending in state legislative campaigns is developed, emphasizing that the effectiveness of expenditures should vary according to the number of “up for grabs” voters i…
The campaign mobilization literature argues that contacting will have the most influence on individuals who are socioeconomically or politically disadvantaged. Yet evidence persistently shows that the advantaged are disproportionately contacted. This paradox is explained once one recognizes that contacting during elections serves divergent goals that are tied to the election cycle and to electi…
Using the unique circumstances of the 2004 Illinois U.S. Senate election, we report findings from survey data from a probability sample of White voters conducted in Illinois during the course of the 2004 election. In an experimental manipulation embedded in the survey, we tested four distinctive framings of Barack Obama by systematically altering the degree and content of his racialization as a…
How does the racial environment influence mass political participation? The power—threat hypothesis predicts that a larger out-group population in the surrounding environment increases citizen participation, whereas the relational goods hypothesis predicts that it decreases participation. I attempt to reconcile these conflicting arguments into a single hypothesis positing that citizens’ decisio…
We argue that citizens distinguish the tone of a campaign from the quality of information that it provides and that evaluations on each dimension respond differently to positive and negative political advertising. We test these claims using survey and advertising data from the 2000 presidential campaign and two 1998 gubernatorial races. In each race, citizens separate judgments about the tone o…
Political relations between racial/ethnic groups in America have (a) been commonly examined in terms of the degree of “cooperation” or “conflict” and (b) have most frequently been studied in the arena of urban politics; this has been especially so in the case of Hispanics/Latinos and African Americans. This article represents the first effort to pose and to systematically assess the question of…
Following the Civil War, the Democratic Party enjoyed almost complete dominance in southern electoral politics. Democratic hegemony was particularly acute in gubernatorial elections: In most southern states, more than a century elapsed before the first Republican governor was elected. Gubernatorial electoral success is a fundamental question, given the prominence of governors in state politics …
Gossip in the workplace has generally been ignored by researchers and often criticized by practitioners. The authors apply a transdisciplinary evolutionary approach to argue that gossip is a natural part of social organizations and that certain conditions can encourage socially-redeeming gossip. They draw on case studies involving cattle ranchers, members of a competitive rowing team, and airli…
The authors use social network analysis to understand how employees’ propensity to engage in positive and negative gossip is driven by their underlying relationship ties.They find that expressive friendship ties between employees are positively related to engaging in both positive and negative gossip, whereas instrumental workflow ties, which are less trusting than friendship ties, are related …
This article presents findings on the nature and operation of gossip that emerged from an empirical study of organizational communication during a chief executive officer (CEO) succession process. By studying gossip within the context of a broader study of change-related communication, new insights were gained that extend, and in some respects challenge, commonly accepted views of the nature of…
Drawing stimulus from parental acceptance-rejection theory (PARTheory) and associated measures, articles in this special issue attempt to assess the relative contribution of perceived teacher and parental (maternal and paternal) acceptance and behavioral control to the psychological adjustment, school conduct, and academic achievement of school-going youths (boys and girls) within six nations c…
This study addresses relationships between perceived maternal, paternal, and teacher acceptance and behavioral control, and adolescents’ psychological adjustment, school conduct, and academic achievement in Estonia. A total of 224 sixth graders respond to 3 self-report measures. Adolescents’ school conduct and grade point average (GPA) are reported by teachers. Study findings show that girls’ p…
This study explored the relationship between students’ perceptions of their teachers’ and parents’ (mothers’ and fathers’) acceptance, and teachers’ reports of the students’ conduct in school as well as students’ reports of their own psychological adjustment. The study was conducted on a sample of 200 high school students in Bangladesh. Results showed that, on average, Bangladeshi students perc…
This study explored the relationship between Indian adolescents’ perceptions of their teachers’ and parents’ (mothers’ and fathers’) acceptance and behavioral control, students’ conduct in school, and students’ psychological adjustment. A sample of 217 high school students in India was enrolled in the study. Results showed that the students perceived their teachers, mothers, and fathers to be w…
The goal of this research was to explore the relationship between Kuwaiti students’ perceptions of their teachers’ and parents’ (mothers’ and fathers’) acceptance and behavioral control and students’ conduct in school, and psychological adjustment. A sample of 205 middle school students in Kuwait was enrolled in the study. Results showed that both boys and girls perceived their parents and teac…