Using data that, to our knowledge, have not been used before for this purpose, we examined 9,231 opposite-sex intimate partner violence (IPV) calls for law enforcement assistance recorded in the Compstat system of a large U.S. city. Although women were the predominant victims, injuries were documented more often for men. Only about 1% of incidents were considered a restraining order violation, …
The authors examined whether paper-and-pencil and Web surveys administered in the school setting yield equivalent risk behavior prevalence estimates. Data were from a methods study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in spring 2008. Intact classes of 9th- or 10th-grade students were assigned randomly to complete a survey via paper-and-pencil or Web. Data from 5,227…
National Heritage Areas (NHAs) are an alternative and increasingly popular form of protected area management in the United States. NHAs seek to integrate environmental objectives with community and economic objectives at regional or landscape scales. NHA designations have increased rapidly in the last 20 years, generating a substantial need for evaluative information about (a) how NHAs work; (b…
There has recently been discussion of whether independent contract evaluation is possible. This article acknowledges the inherent tension in contract evaluation and in response suggests a range of constructive approaches to improving the independence of contract evaluation. In particular, a clear separation between the official evaluation report and a contractor’s own publication of analysis fr…
Regressions that control for confounding factors are the workhorse of evaluation research. When treatment effects are heterogeneous, however, the workhorse regression leads to estimated treatment effects that lack behavioral interpretations even when the selection on observables assumption holds. Regressions that use propensity scores as weights and regressions based on random coefficients or h…
Building on Wilsonian foundations, this article present the normative case for a special, central role for public servants in the design and redesign of public law, including constitutions. Central to the author’s argument are Wilson’s characterization of public administration as “the State’s experiencing organ” and his contention that public administration is the primary institution engaged da…
The use of lethal technologies by global terror networks has elevated domestic security policy to a central concern of 21st-century public administration. Twentieth-century public administration scholars, influenced by Progressivism, Pluralism, and Public Choice, led the field to believe that it could both develop and administer domestic security policy without a coherent state theory to guide …
What impact do interventions by central/federal or local levels of government in local emergency preparedness training have on the focus of training, comprehensiveness, and quality control? An analysis of two cases of intervention by central/federal levels of government reveals that training is likely to be (a) skill oriented and competence framed, (b) comprehensive, and (c) quality controlled …
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) transition has shown problems between executive political leadership, management associations, and labor unions, despite “collaborative efforts,” resulting in bureaucratic inertia. This means slower incremental changes for proposed personnel reforms based on private business models advocated by presidential administrations in recent years. The author su…
This study explores whether a classic motivation theory traditionally applied by public administration scholars in bureaucratic settings can also be used to understand relationships in intersectoral service delivery networks. It focuses on how well expectancy theory explains contracted provider motivation to properly use service-monitoring tools because of contract rewards and penalties. To exa…
Qualitative evidence from action networks is used to answer the research question, How do leaders of successful networks manage collaboration challenges to make things happen? This study of two urban immigration coalitions in the United States found that their leaders developed practices as a response to two paradoxical requirements of network collaboration: managing unity and diversity when do…
This study examined the effects of information technology (IT) on policy decision-making processes, especially in the stages of goal setting and choosing among policy alternatives. It used survey data collected in 1998 and 2005 from the metropolitan areas of Seoul and Busan in Korea. The survey results showed that there has been a positive change in the perception of the effects of IT on policy…
Since South Korea made a historic social pact in 1998 amid the Asian financial crisis, a newly established presidential committee, the Korea Tripartite Commission, has become a center of social concertation. The Korean case signifies the need to complement the theory of social concertation with a new set of hypotheses concerning structural factors, with particular attention to industrial struct…
This paper examines the multi-donor-funded project called Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy (SPD), designed to strengthen Bangladesh's Parliament. In particular, it focuses on attempted reforms in the parliamentary committee system and in its rules of procedure. The article argues that the SPD has only been marginally successful in meeting its objectives, and identifies reasons for this lim…
Japan's new thinking on regionalism is a means of soft balancing that counters a rising Chinese influence. A "hard" balancing strategy through an alliance with the United States is insufficient because the Chinese economy is indispensable for Japan's prosperity and because China is rising through soft power. Japan's response uses the concept of community based on universal values.
The global recession has had seemingly conflicting impacts on China's policy toward Asian regionalism. But China has never viewed regionalism and globalism as mutually exclusive and has seen strategic value in pursuing both. A stronger China emerging from the crisis is playing both regional and global games with a stronger hand.
Following North Korea's second nuclear test, the U.N. Security Council tightened sanctions. However, North Korea has tilted its relations toward partners uninterested in such measures. Since 2005, it has retreated from economic reform, most obviously in the 2009 confiscatory currency reform. These developments raise doubts about North Korea's interest in engagement.
This article explains the variable success after the September 11, 2001, attacks of the securitization of terrorism in two ASEAN member states, Singapore and Indonesia. The two countries are selected because of the differences in their government characteristics and their domestic politics. The article argues that differences in the nature of the domestic audience explain the divergence of secu…
This article examines the progress, problems, and prospects of Russian-South Korean energy security cooperation. Several ongoing energy projects between Russia and South Korea are highly likely to enhance energy security needs for both countries. Nevertheless, the development of bilateral energy projects has been extremely slow.
Cambodia is pivotal to China's strategies to project greater influence in Southeast Asia, buffer longstanding rivals, and potentially tame America's hegemony. China's transformation from regional backwater into influential global actor raises concerns for many countries. As expected, the rise of a powerful regional player makes traditional hegemonic countries anxious.