In the first round of the 2012 French presidential election, Marine Le Pen drew a record score of 17.9% of the valid votes. Her success was attributed to the ‘de-demonization’ strategy she implemented to soften the party’s image, make it credible on other issues than immigration, and diversify its electoral audience. Survey data from 1988 to 2012 show a more complex picture. Marine Le Pen’s sup…
This article analyses and evaluates the role of the media in the 2012 presidential election. In particular, it focuses on campaign coverage by television and the internet from the perspective of both the main candidates' usage of the media (candidate communication) and the media's coverage of the campaign (political reportage and commentary). It argues that television, the dominant medium in th…
European and global affairs are typically downplayed at election time in France, as elsewhere, and a rudimentary observation of the French 2012 presidential elections would appear to confirm this hypothesis. However, this article argues that in the case of the 2012 French elections the issues of ‘Europe’ and ‘the world’ were significant and inextricably linked to many of the ostensibly domestic…
This article analyses Hollande's presidential election campaign and victory of 2012, placing them in the historical, organisational and ideological context of French Socialism and the French party system. It argues that an effective campaign, an unpopular adversary and a French party system context unusually conducive to pooling the Left's electoral resources akin to 1981 all aided Hollande's c…
Like other European democracies, France appears to be moving towards a ‘new politics’. Cultural issues such as immigration and multiculturalism are now said to be more influential on voting behaviour than socioeconomic issues. In this paper we question the impact of values on the French presidential elections since 1988 and show that: (1) both new and old politics are playing a role; (2) this t…
As tax policy is one of the most prominent issues for France at a time of great economic crisis and public debt, this article analyses how redistribution has been viewed and considered by voters. Assuming three main hypotheses about attitudes towards redistribution (egotropic perspective, sociotropic perspective and voter incompetence), we propose a series of empirical tests of these various ex…
We review theories of French elections, drawing on a recent general theory developed in our analysis of presidential elections (1988–2007). We offer an explanation for why President Sarkozy was not re-elected in 2012. Two key theoretical variables were involved: one long term—ideological identification—and one short term—economic evaluation. The effect of these variables changed greatly from 20…
The Sarkozy presidency is shot through with paradox and contrast. Sarkozy was a well-elected president swiftly loathed by most voters; a ‘hyperpresident’ who probably weakened the office; a talented party leader who lost effective control of his party; a right-wing president who was readily compared with Tony Blair; and an ambitious reformer who promised a clean break with the indecision of his…
This article proposes a framework based on three levels of analysis for understanding the 2012 presidential election: the institutional, the partisan and the situational. The 2012 election confirmed the bipolar institutional incentives that structure political competition in the Fifth Republic. The partisan dimension, however, was more fluid than this bipolar reading would lead one to expect. T…
In 2012 the Socialist Party (PS) presidential candidate, François Hollande, defeated the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy. The victory was convincing, though not overwhelming. Hollande thus became only the second Socialist president of the Fifth Republic after François Mitterrand. Hollande's success in the presidential contest was reinforced a few weeks later when the PS and immediate allies won an a…
This book is based on Women Research Institute’s study on “Feminist Leadership in the Post Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia: Its Impact on Social Movements and Women’s Welfare” (2012). The goal of the research was to capture the landscape of women’s leadership in Indonesia after the downfall of Suharto in 1998. There were not many studies and analysis on the condition of Indonesian women in t…
Buku ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang diterjemahkan dari versi aslinya berbahasa Inggris. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk secara empiris mengkaji dinamika perkembangan industry media di Indonesia dan bagaimana dinamika-dinamika ini mementukan cara masyarakat sipil dan kelompok-kelompok warga Negara menggunakan haknya dalam bermedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan juga untuk memotret lanskap pe…
Buku ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang diterjemahkan dari versi aslinya berbahasa Inggris. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menelaah kebijakan media di Indonesia dan mengkaji dampaknya terhadap berbagai bentuk media dan warga negara serta hak-haknya, terutama yang berkaitan dengan hak mereka atas media. Dalam penelitian ini, hak semacam itu mengacu pada hak untuk mengakses media, mengakses…
Buku ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang diterjemahkan dari versi aslinya berbahasa Inggris. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan (mengkaji) implikasi dinamika ekonomi politik media terhadap hak warga bermedia dilihat dari perspektif warga, terutama kelompok rentan dan dilemahkan. Dengan menyajikan empat studi kasus kelompok rentan, penetian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan gambar yang le…
The government of Indonesia’s primary development objective is to join the ranks of upper middle-income countries by 2025. If Indonesia could generate an annual real GDP per capita growth rate of 8.5 percent for the next ten years, it would be well on the path to achieving this objective. At current projections, this will not be possible. It will fall short in three fundamental dimensions: grow…
Buku yang anda pegang sekarang memuat laporan dokumentasi yang telah LBH Masyarakat lakukan selama satu tahun sepanjang 2012. Hasil dokumentasi tersebut mangafirmasi cerita - cerita yang sebelumnya pernah kami dengar. Nyaris semua tahanan kasus Narkotika pernah mengalami pelanggaran HAM di tingkat penyidikan, baik upaya paksa yang dilakukan dengan sewenang - wenang oleh pihak kepolisian maupun …
Penelitian yang dilakukan Migrant Care ini melihat seluruh kebijakan yang telah ada mengenai migrasi tenaga kerja sejak masa kolonial hingga tahun 2012, ketika pemerintahan Indonesia telah meratifikasi International Convention on The Protection on The All Rights Migrant Workers and Their Families pada 12 April 2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi titik permasalahan dari kebijak…
When planning and evaluating community-level initiatives focused on policy and environment change, it is useful to have estimates of the impact on behavioral outcomes of particular strategies (e.g., building a new walking trail to promote physical activity). We have created a measure of estimated strategy-level impact—“population dose”—based on our work in evaluating obesity prevention initiati…