Every business day, courts throughout the United States render decisions that together affect many thousands of people. Some affect only the parties to a particular legal action, but others adjudicate rights, benefits, and legal principles that have an impact on all Americans. This book surveys that system. Much of the discussion explains how U.S. courts are organized and how they work. This in…
Untuk menggalang dana secara efektif dibutuhkan jam kerja yang panjang, kerja keras, kemampuan berkomunikasi, dan pengetahuan yang cukup mendalam mengenai berbagai teknik yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengimpun dana, dan semua ini didukung oleh semua bagian tata usaha yang efektif dan cekatan. Tetapi bersamaan dengan itu, mwnggalang dana memberikan kepada Anda “manfaat yang tersembunyi”, antara…
This book is written for CEOs and board members who seek to improve the way they govern their nonprofit organizations. We have written it in the form of a "roadmap" to guide leaders along what we have found to be the most direct route to excellence in all aspects of the governance function. We believe that the principles and practices that are embodied in this roadmap apply to nonprofits of eve…