This article examines one response to the financial �crisis� of print newspapers addressing the rise of digital paywall systems to monetise journalism. It analyses selected daily mastheads� paywalls in the United States, Britain and Australia, comparing the type, pricing and audience uptake. This article reviews scholarly and industry literature to identify international newspaper paywall trend…
Across the United States, newspapers are physically relocating their headquarters to smaller spaces, often away from the centers of downtown. This is the latest manifestation of the newspaper crisis manifest through a tangible and visible public manner. This article investigates these newsroom moves through a discussion of space, looking at why these moves matter by examining their impact on ho…
This article argues that the Political Economy of Communication (PEC) has generally failed to develop theories of media production. Such theory as exists has been heavily influenced by accounts of mass production and flexible specialization in Hollywood. Hollywood film production has been viewed as paradigmatic of media production in general, in the same way as Ford was for manufacturing, and t…
Departing from the understanding that resilience is a technique of self-organization during emergencies, this article provides a study on the way in which the use of social media influenced and engendered societal resilience practices during the 2011 Norway attacks. It builds on the concepts of governmentality and mediality to discuss how the interplay between social media and its users created…
Apabila tujuan akhir tuntutan reformasi adalah tercapainya demokrasi, kesejahteraan, dan keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat, maka arah kebijakan otonomi daerah harus dipandang sebagai bagian dari agenda demokrasi. Otonomi daerah bukanlah tujuan, melainkan cara demokratis untuk mewujudkan keadilan dan kesejahteraan bagi semua unsur bangsa tanpa kecuali. Implementasi otonomi daerah yang mengabaikan age…
Asylum: Exit Australia is a first-person simulation game that puts the player in the shoes of an asylum seeker. Produced to accompany the television series Go Back to Where You Came From it seeks to make a new kind of intervention in a divisive social debate. This paper considers simulation games in terms of their ability to foster civic engagement. Locating simulation games within the broad fi…
Owing to its unmatched sponsorship of commercial broadcasting and the ubiquity of its homemaking goods, Procter & Gamble (P&G) has had a profound impact on culture and society in the United States. From a critical political economy approach, this article documents P&G�s historical contributions to the commercial system of broadcasting in the United States. At the nexus of entertainment, industr…
This article focuses on contemporary discussions around media regulation and Internet regulation in India and examines in particular certain events from 2011 to 2013. The aim is to present a composite narrative and historical account, a rendering of the important proposals, arguments and judicial proceedings that came about at a time of political upheaval and increased media �activism�. It conc…
Buku ini merupakan bagian dari advokasi sekaligus media diseminasi bahwa otonomi daerah sangat dibutuhkan bangsa Indonesia. Betapa tidak, dengan semangat otonomi kreativitas-kreativitas daerah dalam mengelola tata pemerintahan dan memberikan pelayanan publik tidak lagi bergantung pada pusat. Kreativitas-kreativitas itulah yang kami sebut dengan inovasi. Niat tulus dari buku ini adalah menampil…
This article explores the notion of digital non-participation as a form of mediated political action rather than as mere passivity. We generally conceive of participation in a positive sense, as a means for empowerment and a condition for democracy. However, participation is not the only way to achieve political goals in the digital sphere and can be hampered by the �dark sides� of participator…
Using the example of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), this study deals with the public sphere in Eastern European countries before 1989. It supports the thesis that even the �guided� and controlled daily press enabled the readers (even in a limited way) to observe the process of communication and to make up their own minds. The article is based on two main sources: files from the Fe…
This study examines the extent to which Spanish youth audiences appropriate television fiction and engage in the acceptance and construction of loving stereotypes. It specifically looks at how they identify different kinds of loving relationships. It also explores the intertextual and extratextual interactions they establish in their interpretations. The methodology undertaken is the focus grou…
This article argues that recent scholarly attempts to prescribe creative agency to a user subject rarely consider how the user functions in a broader legal and cultural context. I suggest that the user is a complex subject defined by various cultural and legal discourses, following a critical body of scholarship that calls for a more nuanced approach to the issue of user production. I show how …
Broadcast television faces new challenges in the rapidly changing media environment. This article proposes �para-interactivity� as a concept that identifies the ways television addresses its audiences in the digital age. Para-interactivity is a term that brings together several salient elements in contemporary television texts as well as positing a contemporary context for established and famil…
Based on seven different sports broadcasting markets (Australia, Brazil, Italy, India, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States), this article provides a comparative analysis of the regulation of television sports broadcasting. The article examines how contrasting perspectives on television and sport � economic and sociocultural � have been reflected in two main approaches to the regu…
The demands of flexible labour and the technologization of social networks are currently being felt in profound shifts in the ways in which we spend time with others. This article analyses the everyday communicative practices of adults living in Sydney surrounding their use of text messaging in shared social spaces. Asking the research participants when, how and why they rely on text messaging …