A best selling book by John Tschohl. Proven techniques and hundreds of practical ideas that develop customer satisfaction and loyalty- two ingredients to increase profits. Service leaders and champions of service can use this book to drive a service culture. Entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses through a service culture will find these ideas valuable. John Tschohl's revised soft cove…
Para eksekutif kebijakan publik dan manajer perusahaaan sering menjumpai kesulitan dalam mengintegrasikan perencanaan dan mengkoordinasikan pelaksanan. Mereka tenggelam saat menguraikan permasalahan yang dihadapi sehingga cenderung tidak mengutamakan upaya merealisasikan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Critical system thinking adalah pola pikir yang mewujudkan situasi dibalik kesulitan ada kemuda…
Dalam novel ini Sobary bicara soal “absurditas”. Baginya, dunia sosial memiliki struktur yang tampak teratur, pola-polanya mudah dibaca, aturan-aturannya jelas, seperti dalam birokrasi kantor, tapi jalan hidup manusia tak selalu setia pada garis yang ditentukan struktur sosial. Ada garis hidup yang tak terbaca mata dan hati kita, tapi berkuasa dan sangat menentukan. Dan itu yang baginya sela…
Selama 2007-2009, banyak organisasi masyarakat sipil, LSM, perguruan tinggi dan penggiat pembangunan masyarakat menggalang advokasi bersama untuk merevisi berbagai topik tata kelola pemerinntahan yang diatur dalam UU No. 32 tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Beberapa organisasi tersebut adalah Forum Pengembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat (FPPM) Bandung, Instituute for Research and Empowerment…
Mengapa harus korupsi? Ya, kalimat ini menjadi kata kunci bagi mereka untuk membatalkan niatnya melakukan korupsi, meskipun kesempatan melakukannya sangat terbuka luas, mengingat betapa besar kerugian yang pasti terjadi, baik kepada Bangsa dan Negara, termasuk diri dan keluarga sendiri. Keistimewaan dari tulisan ini adalah merupakan hasil dari perpaduan rujukan kitab suci al-Qur'an dan sunnah …
arik menarik antara kapitalisme dan sosialisme berlangsung di hampir semua negara. Baik negara kapitalis di Barat maupun negara statist di Timur tidak memberikan cara-cara yang bisa diterima dalam mengorganisir masyarakat. Negara kapitalis modern memang mampu memenangkan demokrasi politik, tetapi tidak dengan demokrasi ekonomi-nya. Di samping itu, kapitalisme modern tidak berjalan dalam modus …
Sustainable urban development is increasingly associated with locally controlled economies. While ‘localist’ initiatives are usually addressed to energy, consumer goods, and capital, the efficacy of local property ownership for urban development outcomes is largely unexplored. This article investigates historical land ownership patterns in a downtown Phoenix, AZ, district ripe for infill proper…
The last three decades have seen social enterprises in the United Kingdom pushed to the forefront of welfare delivery, workfare and area-based regeneration. For critics, this is repositioning the sector around a neoliberal politics that privileges marketization, state roll-back and disciplining community groups to become more self-reliant. Successive governments have developed bespoke products,…
This article considers whether, and if so how, rural communities can be supported, through a facilitated process, to create social enterprises within the field of health and care. Using results from the thematic analysis of four community case studies involved in a facilitated action-research process, the article identifies community capabilities and entrepreneurial skills needed to create such…
Over the past couple of decades, African universities have been considered to possess the capacity needed to enhance the development of the continent and its residential communities. In spite of this consideration, Africa as a continent still lags behind the rest of the world in terms of the quality of its institutions and its ability to meet the needs of ordinary people who desire a better soc…
In independent India, national development has been largely equated with economic growth and surplus. Most tribal people in India lead a hard, materially poor life. Multiple natural sources along with strong community ties make their life possible, even under difficult circumstances. Adivasis are by far the most vulnerable and marginalized socio-economic group in India; gaps in poverty, literac…
This article discusses the largely under-researched anti-poverty work of Migrant and Refugee Community Organizations (MRCOs) in Glasgow. The role of MRCOs as a source of social capital and critical coping and survival mechanism in exile has received notable attention since the introduction of dispersal policy in 1999. The practices outlined in this article contribute to this growing body of res…
The policy language of recent UK governments in relation to ‘activating’ communities has drawn on images of ‘community’ as coherent constructions – communities of place – recognizable to their members who are capable of concerted action. From this conceptual basis, localities identified as ‘ineffective’ are encouraged to become ‘successful, integrated communities' through government action such…
This article provides a snapshot of social and solidarity economy (SSE) institutions and activities in two differing regions of the world in order to reflect on how the SSE is being conceptualized and practised in varying contexts and cultures. The SSE is a growing social movement that includes a range of activities that share common values, including solidarity and mutual support, with a focus…
Gamson’s Law of office distribution tells us approximately how many ministries each member of a coalition will receive. However, the question of which ministries are allocated to which parties according to a more general party motivation remains largely open. In a model-theoretic investigation of portfolio allocation we focus on the characteristics of the distributional process concerning the q…
This article analyzes and compares the politics of European policy-making within the British Labour Party, the Parti Socialiste (PS) and the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) between 1997 and 2012. We know that party leaders have assumed much autonomy in the making of European policy, but, as with policy-making in any area, their autonomy is constrained and sometimes even questioned…