Journal Articles
A Learner-Focused Evaluation Strategy: Developing Medical Education through a Deliberative Dialogue with Stakeholders
This article describes and discusses a case of deliberative responsive stakeholder evaluation that was employed
as a strategy to support the development of an undergraduate medical programme at a Swedish university.
It focuses on received information and reflection about the process of evaluation as a dialogue for learning.
By highlighting the complexity of educational work and the expectations on the medical profession, the dialogue supported a holistic and qualification-focused change process. The dialogue contributed to the creation of a qualified and nuanced development process and illuminated an evaluation process that is more associated with learning than quality enhancement. The article begins by presenting the case studied and the theories that underpin the article. It then describes the results of the study, before finally placing the results in the context of higher education development in Sweden and raising issues relating to the present method and objectives of quality assessment in higher education.
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