APA Style
Schnell, Rainer, Bachteler, Tobias, Reiher, Jörg. (2010).
Improving the Use of Self-Generated Identification Codes (Vol. 34 no. 5, October 2010.pp. 391-418).
sage publisher.
Chicago Style
Schnell, Rainer, Bachteler, Tobias, Reiher, Jörg.
Improving the Use of Self-Generated Identification Codes.
Vol. 34 no. 5, October 2010.pp. 391-418
sage publisher,
Journal Articles.
MLA Style
Schnell, Rainer, Bachteler, Tobias, Reiher, Jörg.
Improving the Use of Self-Generated Identification Codes.
Vol. 34 no. 5, October 2010.pp. 391-418
sage publisher,
Journal Articles.
Turabian Style
Schnell, Rainer, Bachteler, Tobias, Reiher, Jörg.
Improving the Use of Self-Generated Identification Codes.
Vol. 34 no. 5, October 2010.pp. 391-418
sage publisher,
Journal Articles.