APA Style
Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott, Kasiborski, Natalie, Schmittel, Emily. (2010).
Assessing Long-Term Outcomes of an Intervention Designed for Pregnant Incarcerated Women (Vol. 20 no. 5, September 2010.pp. 528-535).
sage publisher.
Chicago Style
Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott, Kasiborski, Natalie, Schmittel, Emily.
Assessing Long-Term Outcomes of an Intervention Designed for Pregnant Incarcerated Women.
Vol. 20 no. 5, September 2010.pp. 528-535
sage publisher,
Journal Articles.
MLA Style
Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott, Kasiborski, Natalie, Schmittel, Emily.
Assessing Long-Term Outcomes of an Intervention Designed for Pregnant Incarcerated Women.
Vol. 20 no. 5, September 2010.pp. 528-535
sage publisher,
Journal Articles.
Turabian Style
Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott, Kasiborski, Natalie, Schmittel, Emily.
Assessing Long-Term Outcomes of an Intervention Designed for Pregnant Incarcerated Women.
Vol. 20 no. 5, September 2010.pp. 528-535
sage publisher,
Journal Articles.